NASAC - Network of African Science Academies

NASAC is the Network of African Science Academies, bringing together 30 Science Academies on the African continent with a Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.

It was established with support by IAP, the InterAcademy Partnership (then InterAcademy Panel), in 2001. NASAC aspires to make science Academies in Africa vehicles for positive change. The network wants to enable and connect African science academies to contribute to science, technology and innovation; to make  the  voice  of  science  heard  by  African  and  global  decision  and policy makers; and to establish a culture of science in Africa.

NASAC and EASAC are connected by being two out of four regional affiliated networks of IAP, the InterAcademy Partnership. Apart from this, the academy networks for Africa and Europe have collaborated directly on a number of occasions, first on capacity building for African and European science academies, with a joint workshop on the provision of science-based advice to policy-makers and the public in 2012. A very close contact was formed in the area of Biotechnology for Agriculture, on which NASAC and EASAC held a joint conference and workshop at the headquarters of the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2013. More recently NASAC and EASAC connected on the issue of „Smart Villages“, i.e. on off-grid energy solutions for rural communities in developing countries (2017-18).

For more information on NASAC, visit